Monday, January 6, 2014

The new Greg!

Hey all!

I hope you all had a fantastic weekend and are all ready for the new week.  So over the weekend, I had a weekend of painting ups and downs. First I nearly wiped out my miniature by giving him a bath in Cherry Cola and had to repaint some parts. Next I gave him some very questionable choices and made him quite colorful and after some advice and suggestions I have finally given him his final form. Now I am aware of some of my mistakes, one of the big ones is my priming job. It is not the cleanest so it gave it a very textured look and ends up making the paint look quite thick. Of course I need to practice my blends and highlighting but that is stuff that will come with more practice.

So I pose this question to all those who read my blog. I want you to give me your honest critiques and opinions and let me know where you think I can improve my painting and my techniques and anything else you feel I should know!

So below are going to be two pictures. The first was the pre midlife crisis Greg, who wore bright colors and believed that he should try to wear as many colors as possible. Then will be the final piece, where he ditched the purple and green for black and and more metallic looks

Alright then! There you go and I hope that you enjoy to see where I currently at with my painting. Again any suggestions or comments are welcome

*~Transmission End~*
Jed (Myst1x) Rudy

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Dark Elf Assassin Day 2

So it is now day 2 of painting my Dark Elf Assassins and I have started on the one I named Greg. He is coming along nicer than I thought he would. My hand is still suffering from shakiness so I have been making some mistakes but thankfully I have been keeping them to a minimum.

As you can see, he isn't the best painted piece of work so far but I am happy with my progress. So a little funny story him. I had asked a friend for some lightening and shading advice for the brown. After talking to him for a little bit, I thought it best to try and do some testing on my own and I found what I thought was a nice little fluke. As I was messing around with the paints I have on hand, I found out that Scarlett Red and Hexed Lichen (really dark purple) work really well. After some experimenting with the colours, I came up with this gradient

The very tip of the spoon is what happened when I mixed the Hexed Lichen with the Beasty Brown and everything under that is just different amounts of Scarlett Red mixed with the brown itself and it came out like that.

Alright that's all for me today. See you all tomorrow!

*~Transmission End~*

Jed (Myst1x)Rudy

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

A Tale of Two Assassins

So the New Year has come and it's that time where most of us making unrealistic expectations of ourselves just to give up on them two weeks later. Myself though, I only expect a few things from myself. I expect myself to paint more, post actively on my blog and be an all around more awesome guy. So starting today, I am setting up goals and rules for myself. Ones that while may be daunting for me at first, will make me a better painter in the long run. 

 First rule is to paint every day. I try to do this now but I will admit, my procrastination skill tree is really high level. This requires me to put away Steam and other things that I know will be tempting me until I feel like I have painted enough for that day. This is, personally what I think will be hardest but if it was easy, wouldn't be a challenge. 

 Second rule is to not dump any miniature I don't like into the dip to wash away my mistake. Once it's painted, it's painted. This is final and binding, if any of my friends read this and hear me talking about it. Call me out on this one. Sometimes I forget that mistakes are part of learning and I can't expect perfection out of myself no matter how it irritates me. 

 So this brings me to first project of the New Year, two Dark Elf assassins. These two have been bugging me since I got them and so my first project is to paint these little suckers. First I will paint one up completely finished to the best my ability and then after that. I will submit it for review on here and try and get as much feedback as possible before painting the second one, Taking into account what I have learned from painting the first and feedback to improve on the second.

So without further ado, let's meet the victims. On the left is Senoniir Moonshadow, One of the Dark Elf elite assassins. His wit is as sharp as his tongue and is to be feared. One the right is Greg, Greg is about a sharp as a cotton ball, His weapons are made out of nerf foam and squeak when he tries to stab someone.
So there they are, right now they look pretty much similar. They were both bought used so I didn't put them on their bases, they were already there so I will have have to work around them. The next step for these two was to get them both primed white and ready for painting.
So i've taken 2 small steps into my New Year's project and will be posting more in the upcoming weeks. That's all for me now!

Until next time,

Jed (Myst1x) Rudy